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Mark Fairley

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The Fuel Project began around 2011 and exists to spread the gospel in creative, beautiful, and inspiring ways. Whether that be through books, videos, photography, music, or art, this ministry is to be a source of information, inspiration and most of all, a source of fuel that ignites real change.

To-date, 189 people have written to say they became a Christian as a direct result of our work.

I say "our", because as the ministry has grown over the years, volunteers from around the world have joined together to make this a truly team effort. Animators, musicians, artists and designers have offered their services to enhance the books and videos produced by Fuel. Indeed, the eventual aim is for The Fuel Project to become a creative hub for all kinds of gospel work, with around 4-5 full-time team members.  

Key to our vision is the "Fuel Network", which is continuing to expand in every continent. We are inviting churches and small groups around the world to join together to make a commitment to true discipleship. The Bible says we're not just to be hearers of the word, but doers also, so although we love that people are watching our material, we don't want it to stop there. We want to see Christian groups rise up in local communities to apply Biblical principles wherever they live. The Fuel Network acts as an online directory that allows Christians to connect with each other for this purpose. 

You'll find out more about this ministry as you go, but if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch using the form at the bottom of this page. All video series to-date are accessible through the home page too!

Finally, if you'd like to support this ministry, you can do so at Donations are also possible using the button at the top right corner of this screen. If you'd like to volunteer your skills too, please do! There are positions available on the “Volunteer” section of this website. We'd' be happy to hear from you.

God bless
Mark Fairley